
Just talk about Human development and all of that!!!!! I must brave to confront all situation Im depress!!!!

A.    Human Development
    Human Development is the scientific study of patterns of change human in life and dealing with internal and external conditions of existence. There has eight typical major of human development.
1. Prenatal Phase
In physical developments, it is a phase conception by normal fertilization, the genetic interacts and got some influences from environmental for the first time. Its concern about body structure and brain develop begins.
Ø  Ability developments: abilities to learn and remember for respond sensory stimuli are develops.
Ø  Psychososial developments: stimulus respond to mother voice and develops a preference for it.

2.      Infacy and Toddlerhood ( birth to age 3 )
Ø  Phsycical developments: all senses and body systems start operate, and brain grows  in complexity: and is highly sensitive to enviromental influence with signs physical growth and development of motor skills are fastly
Ø  Ability developments: abilities to learn and remember are present, use the symbols and ability to increase the memory, comprehension and use of language develop rapidly.
Ø  Physycosocial developments: self-awareness develops, moving from dependence to active and interest to other children increased.
3.      Early Childhood ( ages 3 to 6 )
Ø  Physical developments: growth is steady, appearance becomes more slender , appetite diminishes and sleep problem are common, appears fine and gross motor skills with strength to improve.
Ø  Ability developments: thinking egocentric, but understanding other people perspective is growing, memory about dream more increased, intelligence becomes more predictable, and language more improved is commonly in preschool experience and kindergarten.
Ø  Physcosocial developments: self concept and understanding of emotions become more complex; interdependence, initiative, and self control increase, gender identity develops, play becomes more imaginative, more elaborate, and usually more social. Altruism and aggression, is fearfullness are common, family is still the focus of social life, but children becomes more important.
4.      Middle Childhood ( ages 6 to 11 )
Ø  Physical developments: growth slows, strenghth and athletic skill improve, respiratory illnesses are common, but health is generally better than at any other time in the life span.
Ø  Ability developments: egocentrism diminishes, children begin to think logically and correctly, memory and language increase, permit children to benefit from formal schooling by develop her/ his talent, some children show special educational needs and strength.
Ø  Physycosocial developments: self concept becomes more complex, affecting self-esteem, reflects gradual shift in control from parents to child.
5.      Adolescence ( ages 11 to about 20 )
Ø  Physical developments: physical growth and other changes are rapid and profound, reproductive maturity occurs. Major health risks arise from behavioral issues, such as depression, alcohol, and marijuana.
Ø  Ability developments: ability to think abstarctly and use scientific reasoning develops, immature thinking persists in some attitudes and behaviors. Education focuses on preparation for college or vacation. Throught and moral judgments become more complex in life, besides education and choices occupational.
Ø  Physycosocial developments: search for identity including sexual identity, becomes important, relationships with parents are generally good if not occurred divorce the environment may exert a positive or negative influence.
6.      Emerging and Young Adulthood ( ages 20 to 40 )
Ø  Physical developments: Physical condition peaks, then declines slightly. Lifestyle choices influence health.
Ø  Ability developments:  Throught and moral judgments become more complex in life, besides education and choices occupational.
Ø  Physycosocial developments: Personality traits become relatively stable, but changes in personality may be influenced by life stages and events. Intimate relationships and personal lifestyles are established but depends situation for continues.
7.      Middle Adulthood ( ages 40 to 65 )
Ø  Physical developments: slow deterioration of sensory brain abilities, healt and stamina start decrase, women experiences menopause.
Ø  Ability developments: Mental abilities peak, expertise and practical problem-solving skill are high. Creativity may decline, but improve in quality. For some career success and earing power peak; for others, tried to change career may occur.
Ø  Physycosocial developments: sense of identity continues to develop; transition in midlife may occur, dual responsibilities of caring for children and parents may cause stress.
8.      Late Adulthood ( age 65 and over )
Ø  Physical developments: most people are healty and active, although health and physical abilities generally decline, reaction of slowing and affects some aspect of functioning.
Ø  Ability developments: most people are mentally alert, although intelligence and memory may deteriorate in some areas, most people find ways to solution.

Physychosocial developments: retirement from workforce may occur and may offer new options for use of time, people develop more flexible strategies to cope with personal losses and impending death, relationships with family and close friends can provide important support, search for meaning in life and assumes is importance.

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